I/O Port (dev. #00)
8-bit input/output port (GPIO) expansion card, with through connector and RESET button. Each card can be assigned an I/O port address in the range of 0-255 using an 8-position switch. I/O Port is main platform to attach MUMIO devices.
Kempston interface (dev. #01)
Joystick interface, compatible with Kempston standard. Used for connection of the joystick in Kempston standard (compatible with Atari/Atari 2600) to ZX Spectrum computer. On the board there is an auxiliary micro-joystick with two buttons.
Real Time Clock (dev. #02)
Current date/time clock. Compatible with esxDOS and mass storage modules: devSD, devMMC, devIDE modules, Just NANO SD. Allows you to program and read time using BASIC. The card comes with a driver for esxDOS: RTC.SYS – allowing to save the correct time when writing files to disk.
Serial Interface (dev. #03)
Device allows ZX Spectrum to communicate with external peripherals through the most popular communication interfaces used in automation: UART (RS-232), SPI, I2C, and USB. Thanks to the interface, you can connect to the computer most of the devices designed for Arduino: temperature/pressure/pollution sensors, displays, motors, servos and many, many more…
External ROM (dev. #A1)
External diagnostic ROM for the ZX Spectrum computer, with the EPROM 27C512 chip with a capacity of 64 kB (4 x 16 kB). Allows to boot four different computer ROMs instead of the originally built-in one. Designed for service diagnostics: memory, ULA, keyboard, EAR/MIC, image and sound. Allows to run ZX BASIC alternative ROMs.